Harewood Avenue, Pontefract, WF8 2ER

01977 330194


Harewood Centre Nursery School

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Welcome Message


We are pleased to welcome you to our website for Harewood Centre Nursery School.

Harewood Nursery School and Pre-School opened in January 1977 and has always been a busy hub for the children of Pontefract. Although the building has remained the same on the outside, the nursery and pre-school have evolved over the years.

We have high standards and expectations and our children consistently do well here as all staff work hard to encourage the children to shine as unique individuals and to unlock their potential at this crucial phase at the beginning of their educational journey.

Harewood Nursery School is committed to Safeguarding and to promoting the welfare of all children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.


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Upcoming Events


 Monday 4th November- All children return to school after the half term. 

Wednesday 6th November- Book Trust/ Build A Bear Event

Monday 11th November- Friday 15th November - World Nursery Rhyme Week & Anti Bullying Week

Friday 15th November- Children in Need 

Monday 11th November & Tuesday 12th November- Parent's Evenings

TBC- Children to sing at the local nursing home.

Friday 6th December- Christmas Craft Stay & Play

Thursday 12th December - Meeting for the January New Starters

Friday 13th December- INSET Day

Tuesday 17th December- Christmas Performances & Christmas Fair

Friday 20th December- Children's Christmas Party (School Closes for the Christmas Break)





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Latest News 

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Thank and well done to all our children and their families who supported the school to make a donation to Pontefract Food Bank!

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Become a parent governor at

Harewood Nursery School