Harewood Avenue, Pontefract, WF8 2ER

01977 330194


Harewood Centre Nursery School



Harewood Nursery School Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

We provide a welcoming, caring, understanding and enabling environment in which all children are encouraged to reach their full potential, be included as much as possible in the life of the school and make a successful transition onto their next phase of education. We work closely with parents and carers to ensure the needs of all children are met. Where children need additional support we work with the Local Authority specialist teams to ensure we get things right for our children. We have staff experienced in working with children with many and various differences and needs. We recognise that every child is unique and we work flexibly around the needs of individuals, this might mean working in small groups or 1:1 to support learning and development and using a range of specialist resources and equipment.

The Headteacher Natalie Godfrey is the Special Education Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator and is responsible for ensuring our compliance with the SEND Code of Practice, and also for supporting practitioners in their work with those pupils who have SEND.

Our SEND Governor: Sarah Conway

The Local Authority has a duty to produce a Local Offer to help you find information about the services, activities and support available in Wakefield for young people with SEND and their families.  The Local Offer includes health, social care, education and leisure, including information from charities and support groups.

Harewood Nursery School is part of Wakefield’s Local Offer of services and provision for children and young people (0-25) with SEND.

Please follow the link http://mylocaloffer.org/wakefield to access Wakefield’s Local Offer.

Please see our policies page for the following information:

  • SEND policy
  • Admissions policy
  • Access plan/Accessibility Checklist
  • Auxiliary Aids and Equipment
  • Medication policy

SEND Code of Practice

We adhere to the statutory educational needs and disability (SEND) Code of Practice for children and young people aged 0 to 25

SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years