Harewood Avenue, Pontefract, WF8 2ER

01977 330194


Harewood Centre Nursery School

Auxiliary Aids and Equipment


Pontefract Harewood Centre Nursery School

Local Offer for SEND

Auxiliary Aids and Equipment

The Equality Act 2010 says that both schools and academies and the Local Authority have a duty to provide auxiliary aids and equipment. Auxiliary aids are equipment that helps a child or young person at school. This is only for equipment to be used in a child or young person’s school or academy which needs to be provided to make education accessible.

In Wakefield, schools and academies use their own money to buy equipment for children and young people when the equipment costs less than £1,000. If it costs more that £1,000 then the person who thinks a child or young person needs the equipment puts a request in to the Local Authority. A child or young person does not need to have a statement or a new Education Health and Care Plan to have equipment bought by the Local Authority.

If the school or academy buy the equipment it belongs to the school or academy. When a child or young person moves to a different school or academy then it is up to the new school or academy to make sure they get/buy the correct equipment.

If the Local Authority buy the equipment the equipment will go with the child or young person whilst they are in education.